If you receive Error -1000 when using the FM Books Connector, there may be one of several things that is causing the issue. If you expand the error dialog box to reveal the rest of the error message, there should be another error code (usually following the format 800404XX). Generally, these issues can be solved by doing the following:

1) Close FileMaker
2) Open the QuickBooks file with Admin access in single user mode. Navigate to Edit, Preferences, Integrated Applications, Company Preferences and remove any and all listings of the FM Books Connector. If the plug-in is listed here more than once than this should resolve the issue.
3) Confirm that you have the proper version installed on the machine.
4) Open the FileMaker Demo.
5) Select the “Test” button from Step 2 in our Demo file on the set up tab and when prompted in QBs select the 4th radio button to always allow access as Admin and the check box below to allow access to all information. You should receive a result of a 0 in our demo file if successful.
6) Close FileMaker and QBs to start from scratch as your client normally would.
7) Open your FM file and test functionality.


If this did not solve the issue, please check our Knowledge Base for the error code and follow the instructions there. If the error code is not listed or those steps do not work, please contact support@productivecomputing.com.